Type B high-intensity aviation obstruction lights mark high structures, such as high-voltage power towers, to ensure visibility for aircraft. These lights are crucial for safety, especially in low visibility conditions.

Type B high-intensity aviation obstruction lights are designed to mark high structures, such as high-voltage power towers, to ensure visibility for aircraft. These lights are crucial for safety, especially in low visibility conditions. Here’s a summary of the key features and compliance standards for these lights:

Key Features:

  1. Intensity:

    • High-intensity to ensure visibility from a significant distance.
    • Generally equipped with different intensity levels for day, twilight, and night modes.
  2. Durability:

    • Weatherproof and robust to withstand harsh environmental conditions.
    • Long-lasting LEDs to reduce maintenance costs and frequency.
  3. Energy Efficiency:

    • Low power consumption due to the use of LED technology.
  4. Control Systems:

    • Often integrated with control systems to automatically switch between different intensity levels based on ambient light conditions.

Compliance Standards:

  • ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization):

    • Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, Volume I (Aerodrome Design and Operations), provides guidelines for the lighting of obstacles.
    • Type B lights typically need to comply with specifications in terms of light intensity, color (usually white for high-intensity), and flashing rate.
  • FAA (Federal Aviation Administration):

    • FAA Advisory Circular AC 70/7460-1L provides guidance on obstruction lighting and marking.
    • The lights must meet the requirements for intensity, color, and operational performance.
    • FAA typically requires high-intensity white obstruction lights for structures over 500 feet.

Example Specifications:

  • Light Intensity:

    • Day: 200,000 candelas
    • Twilight: 20,000 candelas
    • Night: 2,000 candelas
  • Flash Rate:

    • Usually between 40 and 60 flashes per minute.
  • Color:

    • White for high-intensity lights.
  • Power Supply:

    • 120/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz or can be solar-powered with battery backups.

Example Models:

Several manufacturers produce these lights, including:

  • Flash Technology: Their Vanguard® II LED High-Intensity Obstruction Light is a popular choice.
  • Dialight: Offers a range of high-intensity LED obstruction lights compliant with ICAO and FAA standards.
  • Hughey & Phillips: Known for their HORIZON™ high-intensity obstruction lighting solutions.

Ensuring that the lights you choose are certified and comply with both ICAO and FAA standards is essential for regulatory compliance and safety.

Welcome to inquiry, Email: jodie@chendongtech.com 


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